• info@dannyseto.ca
  • (905) 883-9009


Supervision Course / CRPO Exam Prep Course / Business 101 / Business 201 / Case-Based Assessment (CBA) Workshop


These are virtual courses with online classes. Please note that these classes will not be recorded and that attendance/participation is expected upon registration.




Supervision Course

This is a 30-hr. directed-learner course for psychotherapists which intends to fullfill the requirements, according to the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), to become a clinical supervisor.

CRPO Exam Prep Course

The CRPO Exam Prep Course will review standards of practice, code of ethics, case studies, mock simulations, growth mindset, exam format, what to expect on the exam, etc. There will also be interactive and small group discussions. All groups have had a passing rate of 99%!!! Please contact Juanna@dannyseto.ca if you have any questions.



Business 101

Whether you are a Psychotherapist, Massage Therapist, a member of another regulatory body, or just somebody interested in the principles of business, this workshop is for you. Danny has his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Business and will share ethical and practical business practices. This workshop covers topics including, but not limited to, opening up a private practice, advertising and marketing, business and marketing plans, HST, and different types of businesses.

Business 102

 This 6-hour virtual workshop is an extension of the Essentials of Business Principles 101. It will cover topics relating to “opening up a private/group practice” (hiring associates, obtaining interns, various commission models, bookkeeping, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!).

Case-Based Assessment (CBA) Workshop

As you may or may not know, CRPO intends to eliminate the random selection process for registrants to participate in peer and practice reviews, and instead require registrants to complete an online, “open-book” case-based assessment (CBA) on a regular and recurring basis.

Danny Seto will be leading a workshop on how to prepare for the CBA.

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